ALBC Final Event: “The State of Lincoln Studies” by Dr. Matt Pinsker
April 19, 2010
US Department of Agriculture
Patio and Williamsburg Room
Jamie Whitten Building
1400 Independence Avenue, S.W
Washington, D.C. 20250
Discussing the future of Lincoln scholarship, Dr. Matthew Pinsker addressed ALBC Commissioners, Foundation board members and the general public as the Lincoln Commission met for a final time. Dr. Pinsker, Brian Pohanka Chair of Civil War History at Dickinson College and author of the acclaimed Lincoln’s Sanctuary: Abraham Lincoln and the Soldiers’ Home, remarked on the current state of Lincoln studies and the emerging digital age of Lincoln scholarship. His lecture expanded on an essay, Lincoln 2.0, that appeared in the Lincoln Bicentennial edition of the Journal of American History.
Following Dr. Pinsker’s talk, the ALBC premiered its wrap-up video. The short film recaps the Commission’s history and highlights Lincoln Bicentennial’s celebrations and accomplishments.
Photos from April 19, 2010 >>> all photos (c) Bruce Guthrie
ALBC Final Meeting
Commissioners and Foundation members gathered for the ALBC’s final business meeting inside the Williamsburg Room. The meeting agenda included the release of the Commission’s final report, which catalogs the Commission’s accomplishments leading up to and during the Bicentennial year, as well as a discussion of the future of the ALBC Web site, progress on the expansion of the ALBC Foundation, and the return of federal funds to the U.S. Treasury.
The Abraham Lincoln Bicentennial Commission shut its doors effectively April 30, 2010. The Abraham Lincoln Bicentennial Foundation will continue to enhance Lincoln’s legacy and promote his understanding in the 21st century.