Advisory Committee
Dr. Jean Baker, Baltimore, MD
History professor at Goucher College in Maryland, leading biographer of Mary Todd Lincoln
William Bartelt, Newburgh, IN
High school teacher for three decades, and longtime student of Lincoln’s Indiana years and current trustee of Indiana Historical Society
Mr. Kim Bauer, Decatur, IL
Director of Lincoln Heritage for City of Decatur, IL
Paul Beaver, Lincoln, IL
Professor Emeritus, Lincoln College
Dr. Ira Berlin, College Park, MD
Professor of history at the University of Maryland, and author of numerous books on slavery and emancipation
Michael Beschloss, Washington, DC
Presidential historian and award-winning author
Dr. Richard Blackett, Nashville, TN
Andrew Jackson Professor of History at Vanderbilt University
The Honorable Kenneth G. Blandford
Mayor, City of Jonesboro, Illinois – Lincoln-Douglas Debate Site
Dr. David Blight, Amherst, MA
Award-winning author, Director of the Gilder Lehrman Center for the Study of Slavery Resistance and Abolition at Yale
Dr. Alan Brinkley, New York, NY
Provost and Professor of 20th century American history at Columbia University
Dr. Larry Burgess, Redlands, CA
Director of the A.K. Smiley Library and Museum, and the Lincoln Memorial Shrine
Ken Burns, Walpole, NH
Award-winning filmmaker (The Civil War) and author
Dr. Richard J. Carwardine, Great Britain
Rhodes Professor of American History, University of Oxford
Joan Chaconas, Clinton, MD
Former president of the Lincoln Group of the District of Columbia and Lincoln Forum Advisory Board member
Dr. Catherine Clinton, Riverside, CT
Noted historian and author of Harriet Tubman
Sheldon Cohen, Washington, DC
Former IRS Commissioner, current Abraham Lincoln Association Board Member
The Honorable Mario Cuomo, New York, NY
Former Governor of New York, co-editor of the award winning book Lincoln on Democracy, and author of Why Lincoln Matters
Dr. Richard Nelson Current, South Natick, MA
Dean of Lincoln scholars and distinguished author
Dr. Jon Dalager, Georgetown, KY
Chair of the Politics Department at Georgetown College
Brooks Davis, Chicago, IL
Founder and Past President of the Civil War Round Table
Dr. Cullom Davis, Springfield, IL
Retired history and Lincoln studies professor at the University of Illinois, and former director of The Lincoln Legal Papers
Terry Davis, Nashville, TN
President and CEO of the American Association for State and Local History
William C. Davis, Blacksburg, VA
Professor of history at Virginia Tech and prolific author
Dr. Jeff Dennis, Kennesaw, GA
Assistant Professor of History, Kennesaw State University
John Patrick Diggins, New York, NY
Distinguished professor at the City University of New York
John A. DiNome, Philadephia, PA
Partner, Reed Smith LLP
The Honorable Jim Edgar, Champaign, IL
Lecturer and former Governor of Illinois
The Honorable Robert M. Eschbach
Mayor, City of Ottawa, Illinois – Lincoln-Douglas Debate Site
Dr. Damon Eubank, Campbellsville, KY
Professor at Campbellsville University
Clark Evans, Frederick, MD
Senior Reference Specialist at the Library of Congress, past president of the Lincoln Group of the District of Columbia and the Abraham Lincoln Institute
Stuart I. Fagan, University Park, IL
Former President of Governors State University
Dr. Drew Gilpin Faust, Cambridge, MA
President of Harvard University and author of This Republic of Suffering: Death and the American Civil War
The Honorable Paul Findley, Jacksonville, IL
Served the 20th district of Illinois in the U.S. House of Representatives for 22 years
Dr. Paul Finkelman, Albany, NY
President William McKinley Distinguished Professor of Law and Public Policy at Albany Law School
Dr. Jennifer Fleischner, New York, NY
Chair of the English Department, Adelphi University, and author of Mrs. Lincoln and Mrs. Keckly
Dr. Eric Foner, New York, NY
Professor of history at Columbia University and the leading expert on Reconstruction
Guy C. Fraker, Bloomington, IL
Attorney with an interest in Lincoln’s Eighth Judicial Circuit
Joseph E. Garrera, Newton, NJ
President of the Lincoln Group of New York
The Honorable George W. Gaulrapp
Mayor, City of Freeport, Illinois – Lincoln-Douglas Debate Site
Paul Gleason, Lincoln, IL
Historian and Assistant Director at the Lincoln College Museum in Illinois
Dr. Thavolia Glymph, Durham, NC
Professor of African American history at Duke University and noted author
Dr. Doris Kearns Goodwin, Concord, MA
Former assistant to President Johnson and Pulitzer and Lincoln Award-winning author
John Griswold, Beverly Hills, CA
Principal, Griswold Conservation Associates, LLP
James Grossman, Chicago, IL
Vice President for Research and Education, The Newberry Library
David Grubin, New York, NY
Filmmaker and director of A House Divided
Dr. Allen Guelzo, Gettysburg, PA
Professor of history at Gettysburg College, and award-winning author of Redeemer President and Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation
Dr. Lowell Harrison, Bowling Green, KY
Professor Emeritus of history at Western Kentucky University
The Honorable Mark O. Hatfield, Portland, OR
Former U.S. Senator from Oregon, lecturer and scholar of Lincoln and his era
Earl W. Henderson, Jr., Springfield, IL
Award-winning architect commissioned on such projects as the Lincoln Home National Historic Site and the Capital Complex Development
Reverend Theodore Hesburgh, Notre Dame, IN
President Emeritus of the University of Notre Dame
The Honorable Baron Hill, Washington, DC
U.S. Congressman representing Indiana’s Ninth District
Norman Hill, Washington, DC
Former President of the A. Phillip Randolph Institute
Darlene Clark Hine, Evanston, IL
Board of Trustees Professor of African American Studies and Professor of History, Northwestern University
Bradley R. Hoch, M.D., Gettysburg, PA
Physician, lecturer and author of Looking for Lincoln’s Philadelphia
Carl Howell, Jr., Hodgenville, KY
President of the Preservation of Lincoln’s Kentucky Heritage
Dr. Charles M. Hubbard, Harrogate, TN
Lincoln Historian, Lincoln Memorial University
Dr. Tera Hunter, Princeton, NJ
Professor of History and African-American Studies, Princeton University
The Honorable Daniel Hynes, Springfield, IL
Illinois State Comptroller; Chairman, Illinois Lincoln Bicentennial Task Force
The Honorable John Inyart
Mayor, City of Charleston, Illinois – Lincoln-Douglas Debate Site
The Honorable Andy Jacobs, Indianapolis, IN
Former U.S. Congressman representing Indiana’s 10th and 11th districts for 30 years, and current adjunct professor at Indiana University and Purdue
Professor Harry V. Jaffa, Claremont, CA
Distinguished Fellow of The Claremont Institute, Professor Emeritus of Government at Claremont McKenna College and the Claremont Graduate School and author of numerous books and articles on Abraham Lincoln
Dr. Ed Jennings Jr., Lexington, KY
Chair of the Department of Political Science at the University of Kentucky
Leah Jewett, Baton Rouge, LA
Exhibitions Coordinator and Civil War Manuscripts Archivist at Louisiana State University Libraries Special Collections
Ron J. Keller, Lincoln, IL
Associate Professor of History and Political Science, Lincoln College; Director/Curator, Lincoln College Museum
Peter Kovler, Washington, DC
Chairman of the Franklin D. Roosevelt National Centennial Committee
Iris LaRue, Hodgenville, KY
Director of the Lincoln Museum
Lewis Lehrman, Greenwich, CT
Co-founder of The Lincoln Prize at Gettysburg College, Lincoln collector, and co-founder of the Gilder Lehrman Institute
Mark Levin, Washington, DC
Retired President of the Kansas City Southern Railroad
Dr. Bruce Levine, Urbana, IL
The J.G. Randall Professor of History at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, specializing in the Civil War era
Dr. David E. Long, Greenville, NC
Professor of history at East Carolina University, specializing in Civil War history and noted author
Michael Ludvigsen, Jacksonville, IL
Board Member of the Abraham Lincoln Council, Boy Scouts of America.
Dr. James M. McPherson, Princeton, NJ
Pulitzer Prize-winning author of Battle Cry of Freedom, and leading scholar on Lincoln and the Civil War
Dr. Thomas C. Mackey, Louisville, KY
Chair of the History Department at the University of Louisville
Dr. David Madden
Creator and founding director of the United States Civil War Center, Louisiana State University
Dr. James H. Madison, Bloomington, IN
Professor of history at Indiana University, chair of the Governor’s Civil War Memorial Committee in Indiana, and author
Jonathan Mann, New York, NY
Publisher of The Rail Splitter, a quarterly journal for Lincoln collectors
Dr. John Marszalek, Starkville, MS
Professor of history Emeritus at Mississippi State University, accomplished author and respected expert in the areas of African American and Civil War history
Dr. Martin Marty, Riverside, IL
Award-winning author and Fairfax M. Cone Distinguished Service Professor of the History of Modern Christianity at the Divinity School of the University of Chicago
Dr. Edna Greene Medford, Washington, DC
Leading scholar of African American and Civil War history, author of several books and articles on the Emancipation Proclamation and noted speaker
Dianne L. Meeks, Carbondale, IL
Serves on the Southern Illinois University at Carbondale (SIUC) Foundation Board of Directors
The Honorable Bob Michel, Washington, DC
Former U.S. Congressman from Illinois, former Minority Whip and Minority Leader
Dr. William Lee Miller, Charlottesville, VA
Author of Lincoln’s Virtues
Richard Moe, Washington, DC
President of the National Trust for Historic Preservation
Wilma Moore, Indianapolis, IN
Program archivist for African American history at the Indiana Historical Society and screenwriter
Dr. Lucas Morel, Lexington, VA
Assistant professor of politics at Washington and Lee University, and author of Lincoln’s Sacred Effort
Robert Newtson, Flagstaff, AZ
Executive Director, Friends of Saguaro National Park, Tucson, AZ
Dr. William Pederson, Shreveport, LA
Leading Presidential scholar, organizer of the first conference on Lincoln in the Deep South and author/co-editor of many books on Lincoln
James A. Percoco, Springfield, VA
History teacher, West Springfield High School and adjunct faculty member at American University
Geoffrey Perret
Author of the acclaimed books Ulysses S. Grant, Eisenhower, and Lincoln’s War
Dr. Matthew Pinsker, Lancaster, PA
Professor of history at Dickinson College and noted author of Lincoln’s Sanctuary
John Power, Jacksonville, IL
Publisher Emeritus of the Jacksonville Courier
Dr. Gerald Prokopowicz, Greenville, NC
Professor of history at East Carolina University
Keith Pruitt, Hodgenville, KY
Superintendent of the Abraham Lincoln Birthplace National Historic Site
Dr. Ron Rietveld, Fullerton, CA
Prominent speaker and author on Lincoln with expertise in the Civil War and Reconstruction
Dr. James I. Robertson, Jr., Blacksburg, VA
Alumni Distinguished Professor at Virginia Tech University specializing in Lincoln and the Civil War and award-winning author
The Honorable Donald E. Sandidge
Mayor, Alton City, Illinois – Lincoln-Douglas Debate Site
The Honorable Charles Scholz
Former mayor of Quincy, Illinois
Dr. Barry Schwartz, Athens, GA
Award-winning author of Abraham Lincoln and the Forge of National Memory
Dr. Thomas F. Schwartz, Springfield, IL
Illinois state historian, expert in Civil War history
Dr. John Sellers, Washington, DC
Historical specialist on the American Civil War and the Lincoln Curator at the Library of Congress
Jeff Shaara, Missoula, MT
Successful author of historical novels
Joshua Wolf Shenk, Chestertown, MD
Director, O’Neill Literary House, Washington College
Dr. Nina Silber, Boston, MA
Professor of history at Boston University
The Honorable Louise Slaughter
Member of Congress representing New York’s 28th District, and originally from Harlan County, Kentucky
Dr. Richard Slotkin, Wesleyan, CT
Olin Professor of English, Emeritus and former director of American Studies at Wesleyan University
The Honorable Gary C. Smith
Mayor, City of Galesburg, Illinois – Lincoln-Douglas Debate Site
Jack Smith, South Bend, IN
Abraham Lincoln collector and generous supporter of LIBO: Lincoln Picture Collection
Jean Soman, Pinecrest, FL
Author of A Jewish Colonel in the Civil War
The Honorable Mark Souder, Washington, DC
Member of Congress representing Indiana’s Third District
The Honorable John A. Spring
Mayor, City of Quincy, Illinois – Lincoln-Douglas Debate Site
Edward Steers, Jr., Berkeley Springs, WV
Author of Blood on the Moon: The Assassination of Abraham Lincoln, and other Lincoln-related books as well as Internet editor of the Lincoln Herald and associate editor of North and South magazine.
Dr. Axel D. Steuer, Jacksonville, IL
President, Illinois College
Dr. Phillip Stone, Bridgewater, VA
President, Bridgewater College
Daniel W. Stowell, Springfield, IL
Director and editor of the Papers of Abraham Lincoln
James Swanson, Washington, DC
Senior Fellow at the Heritage Foundation, and author of Manhunt: The 12-Day Chase for Lincoln’s Killer
Dr. Craig L. Symonds, Annapolis, MD
Author, Civil War expert and former U.S. Naval Academy professor
Lawrence P. Taylor, Gettysburg, PA
Former U.S. Ambassador to Estonia
Dr. Wayne C. Temple, Springfield, IL
Noted historian, author and former editor of the Lincoln Herald
Carolyn Texley
Consultant Curator
Tim Townsend, Springfield, IL
Historian, Lincoln Home National Historic Site
Laurie Verge, Clinton, MD
Serves on the Advisory Board of the Lincoln Forum, and former president of The Lincoln Group of the District of Columbia
Dr. Michael Vorenberg, Providence, RI
Author and professor of history at Brown University with expertise in the Civil War, emancipation and Lincoln
Geoffrey C. Ward, New York, NY
Historian, screenwriter, and award-winning author
Dr. Margaret Washington, Ithaca, NY
African American studies professor at Cornell University
Sam Waterston, New York, NY
Star of NBC’s Law & Order, and has portrayed Lincoln on stage and screen
Jennifer L. Weber, Lawrence, KS
Assistant Professor of History, University of Kansas
Budge Weidman, Washington, DC
National Archives and Records Administration
Daniel Weinberg, Chicago, IL
Proprietor of the legendary Abraham Lincoln Book Shop in Chicago and noted expert on Lincoln manuscripts and artifacts
Randy Wester, Lincoln City, IN
Superintendent, Lincoln Boyhood National Memorial
Dr. Ronald C. White
Professor of American Religious History Emeritus at San Francisco Theological Seminary and author of Lincoln’s Greatest Speech
Dr. Robert Wilburn, Washington, DC
President of the Gettysburg National Battlefield Museum Foundation and former president and CEO of Colonial Williamsburg
Dr. Roger Wilkins, Washington, DC
Robinson Professor of History and American Culture at George Mason University, Pulitzer Prize-winner, and board member of the NAACP Legal Defense Fund
The Honorable Ann Claire Williams, Chicago, IL
District court judge for the 7th Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals
Dr. Douglas Wilson, Galesburg, IL
Co-director of the Lincoln Studies Center at Knox College and award-winning author of Honor’s Voice
Dr. Jay Winik, Chevy Chase, MD
Best-selling author of April 1865
Dr. Kenneth Winkle, Lincoln, NE
Chair of the department of history at the University of Nebraska, and author of The Young Eagle
Dr. Gary P. Zola, Cincinnati, OH
Executive Director of The Jacob Rader Marcus Center of the American Jewish Archives and Associate Professor of the American Jewish Experience at Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion.
Michael Zurcher, Fort Wayne, IN
Noted Lincoln collector